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Children’s Dental Health Month

Posted by Rina Singh Feb 06, 2012

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February is Dental Health Month and a great time to take your children to the dentist for their checkups and necessary sealants.

Sealants are an easy, cost effective approach to prevent tooth decay. Sealants are most beneficial starting when a child’s six year molars (their first permanent back teeth) come in.

Sealants provide a protective barrier in the grooves and indentations of the chewing surfaces of your teeth. Even with good brushing techniques, a toothbrush does not adequately reach into the grooves of a tooth to effectively remove the bacterial and plaque that can cause tooth decay.

Applying dental sealants is a quick and painless procedure. The benefit of sealants last many years. Throughout your child’s regular check-ups, your dentist will ensure that the sealants are stable, and may occasionally need to be replaced or add a new layer of sealant material, depending on your child’s chewing habits.

Dental sealants are an easy, cost-effective way to help your child enhance his or her dental health, overall well-being, and smile.

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